
and Rehabilitation Center
Balanced Care for the Equine Companion & Athlete
Servicing NY, NJ, FL
Equilibrium Veterinary Services was created with the Whole Horse in mind-- veterinary care with a balance of Holistic and Traditional medicine to enhance the performance and well being of not only the equine athlete, but our dearly loved companions. EVS offers rehabilitation services at Granny Fox Farm in Goshen, NY and we have recently added acupuncture, herbal and laser therapies for our canine and feline friends.
Dr. Dinah Skorich brings her passion for complimentary medicine, including veterinary acupuncture, spinal manipulation ("chiropractic"), herbals, rehabilitation and more, to horses in the Hudson Valley area of New York and New Jersey, as well as Wellington, Florida. Although she no longer practices general equine medicine, Dr. Skorich and her veterinary technician, Jessica Deer, enjoy working in conjunction with your horse's regular veterinarian to provide the care your horse deserves. EVS provides complimentary services blended with sports medicine for our equine patients.